Chapter 2 – Familiar encounter


by Nowhere-Cassidy


“Artemis! What a surprise to see you out this late!” I got startled and hastely spun around and saw my co-worker Riley walking their mother’s dog Goldie. I smiled back at them naturally: “Hello Riley! I was just out for a walk, enjoying the autumn air. How are you and Goldie?” I crouched down to pet Goldie, who was wagging her tail excitedly. “I’m alright, thanks for asking. And baby Goldie is also good. I just had to walk her for my mother because she’s sick.” “Really? I hope she gets better.” I replied with a warm smile. But Riley shook their head and gave me a reassuring smile: “Don’t worry, it’s just a common cold. What about you, though? You usually don’t go outside if it’s not for work. Besides,” they gestured toward my open windows, “Why are all your windows open? Wouldn’t it be better to close them when going out?” I blinked at Riley a few times in surprise, that curiosity bothering me. They always asked too many questions. But to not appear suspicious, I tried to keep my calm demeanor and responded fondly: “I accidentally let my food burn while cooking, and smoke filled my apartment. To avoid a lung infection, I decided to step outside for a while.” Instead of a proper response though, a soft chuckle came out of Riley’s mouth: “Oh, I doubt that my favorite chef cook would let something burn, let alone the food they were preparing!” Riley giggled, a soft smile tugging at their lips, and I couldn’t help but smile also. “Yes, it might seem impossible that a cook like me would let something burn. Nonetheless, though, even professionals make mistakes.” “Haha, yeah, I guess you’re correct!” They exhaled lightly, their giggling fading but their smile remaining. “But it still seems impossible if it’s a person like you! How I wish to be an astounding cook like you, Artemis!” Their green eyes sparkled with adoration. “Well, if you keep working hard, you’ll eventually get there! Maybe start with ordering restocks for the restaurant?” I started to hint with a sly smile as Riley looked at me puzzled and tilted their head. But that confusion quickly shifted to understanding, then shock. Their eyes widened, and their body tensed as they took in a sharp inhale: “I knew that I forgot something! Thank you for reminding me!” they exclaimed. I chuckled softly when I saw their reaction, then placed my hand on their shoulder: “Don’t worry, don’t worry! I already ordered for you, just in case. So there’s nothing to worry about anymore.” Riley’s face brightened and exhaled deeply in relief. “Oh, thank the lord! What would I do without you, Arti!” Goldie joyfully barked, but she was no longer standing; instead, she was curled up in a ball at Riley’s feet, yawning and wincing. “But I should go home now. Goldie is getting tired, and I don’t want to bother you anymore. See you tomorrow in the kitchen!” And before I could say goodbye, Riley had already hurried off with their Golden Retriever and walked back into their street. There I was, standing outside in the cold autumn wind, all by myself. I took in the fresh air for a few more moments while I thought of Riley. They were such strange yet interesting individual, always able to make people smile, and occupying my mind for the next week every time we met. I chuckled before returning to my cozy and warm apartment. But as soon as I stepped back in, I felt a wave of hunger settling in, making everything good in my body wither away. Damn it.

© Nowhere-Cassidy 2024-07-19

Suspense & Horror
Dunkel, Entspannend