by _alisa_
As if our life’s only purpose was to decay, the guards had thrown Hope and me in her and just left. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to Eren. “She’s my mother.” He had answered after I’d requested to know where he got the Cornel’s last name. Most likely his mother got his idiotic ass out of here before the games had a chance to kill her precious son. Darkness engulfed every being in this space, including me. “Hope, are you still here?” I whispered into the shadows. I could hear a heartfelt chuckle. ” Of course I am still her, what did you think? That I just magically disappeared through the walls in the last hour?” It was a rather frivolous thing to ask, but we had been sitting in this pressing darkness for what felt like decades. “Do you reckon this is already the first game? Like they’re making us go mental before finally killing us?” In the next moment I heard shuffling, until I felt a warm shoulder connect with mine. “Don’t let them do this to you Ruby. Think about what you want to survive for. We will both get through this, and then they will pay for what they did to us, trust me.” An immense amount of heat radiated from my right, as if I could sense Hope’s anger. ” I trust you, thanks.” I replied letting my palm embrace hers. Out of nowhere the room elucidated in a bright orange. I squeezed my eyelids together in an attempt to locate the source. It seemed to jump around? “What in Arkasa`s name is that?” Hope screeched from the top of her lungs. I was sure of it, we were going to die now. Silly, you are not going to die. I am here to help you. My head whipped around to find Hope’s face. Her orbs were like a storm that was caught between panic and fascination. “You just heard that too, right? Please tell me I am not going insane.” Hope asked while her eyes were still fixated on the being that was clearly visible in front of us. “I..I mean” but before I could muster up an answer there it was again. It is quite alright dear, no need to worry. I am an Ignis, it is my special gift that I can hear any thoughts thought and any words said. And to be the best help I can be, I am delighted to have the opportunity to communicate with you. Even if this is not the human way. My mouth was wide agape, this being just spoke without ever moving it’s mouth. “Hope, I think it is in our heads.” Not an it, an Ignis. It almost sounded offended. This Ignis could read my deepest and darkest thoughts and I wasn`t even entirely sure what I was looking at. It looked like a fox caught on fire, but yet it was still elegant. Instead of eyeballs, it`s empty eye sockets were filled with a deep orange flame. Similarly, it`s tail was also solely made of fire. “Ruby….it`s an element creature.” Before I had a chance to ask Hope what an element creature is, the Igna spoke again. We do not have time for all these emotions and questions right now. These doors behind me are about to open any second and let you into the arena for your first game. If you`re wise and value your life you might want to listen closely to what I am about to say. The first game is quite simple, destroy or die. You to are going to act as a team, for this game your life`s are going to be linked. There is going to be one other random selected team and whichever team destroys the other teams home base first wins. Unfortunately the losing team is going to be eliminated. This game will eliminate 50 percent of this year’s prisoners. Be on the lookout and survive. This was the last thing the Igna said before quickly turning it`s back on us. “Wait!” Hope shouted, but it was already gone. “What are we…” but Hope’s question was drowned by the sound I treaded most. Doors opening.
© _alisa_ 2023-09-09