Hecate drew a circle with salt around Perseus and me. While she is doing so, she mumbles something in Greek. “Evanescet.” Suddenly, I feel everything around me turning. I don’t know what’s happening. I can hear myself screaming. The only thing that calms me down is Perseus’ hand in mine. I don’t know how long it takes, but I need it to be over soon. And then everything turns black.
I can hear a male voice calling me. Father? “Medusa!” “Medusa! Wake up!” No. Not my father. Perseus. “Medusa, wake up! It was all a trap.” It takes me a few seconds to realize what Perseus just said. “I am so sorry, Medusa. I thought Hecate had it under control. I didn’t know that Poseidon convinced Pasiphae to find out where you are. I am so sorry.” After hearing his name, I flinch. Poseidon knows where I am. “He knows about me? He knows where I am? Where are we?” My voice sounds hysterical. I look around. I am in the dungeons. The dungeons of Olympus. I just know it. I am lying on the cold, wet floor, in Perseus’ arms. “Medusa, you need to listen to me. We have to get out of here. They want to execute us. For disloyalty. You betrayed Poseidon. Maybe even Athena. I betrayed Zeus.”
“You said you believed me. I didn’t betray Poseidon. Nor did I betray Athena. It was Poseidon who raped me. It was Athena who turned me into this monster. You don’t know how I feel, being feared every day. I saw the way people looked at me while I was in the painting. There was no love. No admiration. There was hate. Despisal. I thought you were different. I thought you knew my story. Me.”
“Medusa. No. I didn’t mean it like that. I know that you didn’t betray them. I know who you are. It’s what Olympus lets others believe. They want people to hate us. Medusa, I will be there for you. I love you.” His words have a calming effect on me. He said he loved me. No one has ever said those words to me before. “I love you too.” Perseus meets my gaze; he looks deeply into my eyes and smiles. But that smile disappears within a second. He lets go of me as if he has burned himself on me. He is screaming. Why is he screaming? His body stiffens. I don’t know what’s happening. Until I see it. Perseus’ arms stop moving. They are turning grey. They are turning into stone. But why? “Medusa? Why? I loved you. Why would you do this to me? I tried to help you.”
“Perseus, you have to believe me, I didn’t do anything. You are the only one I love.” I can hear myself crying.
“You really are full of hatred,” is the last thing Perseus says to me before he turns into stone.
© Alia-Marie Sicher 2024-09-01