by Olwethu Zibi
Since my crush on my best friend I only ever crushed on female celebrities whom I saw on TV or magazines. I actually was starting to worry about myself. That maybe I was attracted to men, I just haven’t found the one I liked (like I was told), because even with girls I wasn’t liking anyone I could physically talk to.
But all that doubt went away when this girl sat in front of me and smiled again. I knew it wasn’t a phase like they said, and I felt stupid for almost believing them.
“How are you? Are you new here?” she spoke so confidently, and I swallowed trying not to show her how nervous I was, “I’m good. I’m just visiting for the holidays. How are you?”
“I’m good, why are you sitting here alone?”
“I’m not, I’m with them.”
She followed my eyes and winced when she saw the couple kissing, “Ouch, wanna hang out with us?”
I had no idea what to say. We didn’t even know each other, and she was inviting me to hang with them.
“Oh I’m Bianca. Sorry for just talking. If you are skeptical about joining us then we can just sit here together.”
I felt my cheeks blush by then, “you don’t have to do that Bianca but thank you. I’m Olwethu.” And that was the beginning.
She asked me to meet up, and I couldn’t pass on that, worse since I was free. We met three times and biked a little bit as she showed me around. The other days we were at the park and then grabbed something to eat.
Talking to her was amazing, and I found out that she was studying to be a lawyer. I was fascinated with telling stories, so I told her I want to be the biggest movie writer. It was so fun and easy talking to her. She was kind, and she made me like her even more every day.
She then talked about going to watch a movie and I agreed because 19-year-old me had never been to the cinema, I’ve only seen it in movies. She didn’t judge, instead we watched the funniest movie ever and came out laughing outside.
“This was fun. Thank you so much.” I said, and she smiled before resting her arm over my shoulder, “I had fun too. You make it easy.” We walked towards my place, and I was suddenly nervous because I knew what was probably coming, but the nerves felt different from the first time I kissed my high school boyfriend.
She took my hand in hers and looked at me. I swallowed and became honest incase I wasn’t good, “I have never done this before.”
She smiled and pulled me closer, and connected our lips. I felt it and suddenly everything made sense. Something in my stomach moved as her other hand pulled my waist closer. She smelled so good and her lips were so soft. She slowly pulled away and I suddenly opened my eyes. Oh, God! I couldn’t even remember when I closed them.
© Olwethu Zibi 2023-08-10