Chapter Twelve – Don’t Shoot?

Olwethu Zibi

by Olwethu Zibi

Johannesburg, South Africa 2022 – 2023

I slowly took out my gun and opened carefully. Whoever was here didn’t know they were robbing a wrong house.

I closed the door and turned on the light. She quickly jumped and lifted her hands up, “don’t shoot… Please don’t shoot it’s me.”

She was wearing short jeans and a short sleeve shirt. I guess she wasn’t a fan of warm clothes.

“What the fuck Madis…” I stopped myself when I remembered she wasn’t even Madison, “what are you doing here?”

“I have no one to trust. I need your help.”

“Pity you killed your girlfriend.” I said putting my gun back to safety.

“I didn’t kill anyone Allison.”

“And what makes you think I’ll believe you Maddie, or whoever the fuck you are after disappearing on me for two days, then you kill someone and disappear for two more days.”

She sat back down, “okay… Let’s start there, I wanted to call you, but I didn’t want to seem desperate.”

I shook my head taking out my phone, “oh hell no, we are not starting anything. I want nothing to do with you. I’m calling my partner, and they’ll take you in.”

“If I go in I’m done for. I will never get a fair chance.”

I furrowed my brows at her, “what do you mean?”

“My father is in jail Allison, I learned a few things from his trial. Now here is my case: we recently broke up, there are texts between us that are horrible. We had a fight before she died in our kitchen with our kitchen knife. My DNA is all over her and the knife, and I ran out with her blood all over me. What prosecutor wouldn’t lock me up?”

Wow! She really knew she was screwed. And did she just say they broke up? So they weren’t dating anymore? If so, then I wasn’t a home wrecker.

My phone started ringing taking me away from my thoughts. It was Lucas. I looked at it and looked at her. She shook her head, “please don’t tell on me. I promise I will be honest about everything. Please, someone has been following me.”

I put my phone on speaker, “Lucas, I thought you told me to rest.”

‘I know I did, but tech managed to crack her phone, and it’s not good, they are sending out her picture to the media. She is officially a wanted woman.’

I looked at the girl in front of me and she started crying. I hung up the call. Maybe she really didn’t do it. I sighed, “go shower then we will talk.”

© Olwethu Zibi 2023-08-10

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Mysterious