A bottle was given to the Ocean. “Put a letter inside and then let it flow in the River of Time,” the giver told the Ocean. Curious, the Ocean enquired about the use of the bottle. The giver answered “Once the time is right the letter will reach the person chosen to be your consort. With this bottle you may write them, regardless of when and where the bottle ends up.”
The Ocean nodded and sat down to write a letter. Before the giver left the Ocean was warned not to reveal too much until the time was right. So they wrote:”
Whoever you may be that found my letter,
I hope you are well. You must have strained near the Ocean to find my bottle. I gave it to the Ocean after all.
You found this letter, so you are in luck the Ocean has chosen you. For what? Oh, don’t worry you will come to know soon. This letter will only reach the person exactly right for it to be read, so I know you are that person. If you want to answer me simply write a letter and put it into a bottle before gifting it to the Ocean. It will reach me.
Now I am sure you are very curious about who wrote you this letter. I am sorry it is not the right time for me to reveal who I am exactly. But I am certainly a friend of Dorothy so don’t be worried about that just in case. I have a feeling it might become very important for me to have written down those words even though I am not sure what the meaning of them in the future might be.
Still they were rightfully put there. I am sure of that. So back to my persona. I can’t tell you much now but just know there is a reason for this letter and a reason for it to have reached you as well. I won’t be able to predict when this letter will be found, so I will simply wait for the answer to reach me someday.
P. N. O.” They signed the letter with just the first letter of each name. Then they sent the letter off.
The bottle for a very long time before someone finally found it and brought it home with them. Just out of curiosity the person wrote a letter in return. So their exchange of letters started. Later they would look back at those letters fondly. After all, it’s how they fell for each other.
When the time came for the secrets to be revealed, not everything went smoothly. But the waves evened out, they calmed, and a consort was crowned. With the coronation a new golden age began.
© Luna_Laurenzius 2023-07-25