Cloudy, With a Chance of Love in the Air

Michi Braun

by Michi Braun


I talk to the clouds
I tell them to cry my love letter on the pavement in your street

I talk to the thunderstorms
I tell them to scream a roar of light, so you can read the words from far away

I talk to the sun
I tell her to dry your every salty teardrop

I talk to the rainbows
I tell them to make you believe in magic again

I talk to the winds
I tell them to gently whistle your favorite tune

I talk to the moon
I tell him to shine bright on all your wildest dreams

I talk to the stars
I tell them to fall to make your wishes come true

We talk to the clouds
We tell them to build heartshaped things in the sky 

We talk to the thunderstorms
We tell them to illuminate the firmament with electric fireworks 

We talk to the sun
We tell her to cover our bodies in warmth

We talk to the rainbows
We tell them to paint the world in prismatic colors

We talk to the winds
We tell them to lift us off the ground and make us fly

We talk to the moon
We tell him to be our celestial mirrorball to dance under

We talk to the stars
We tell them to fall to make our wish come true.

© Michi Braun 2023-11-23

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Lighthearted