Coffee Shop

Ana Morais

by Ana Morais


The fresh coffee scent, or the refreshing breeze that came through the open window.

The relaxing sound of the rain and the conversation that stopped being shallow.

They sat down and let all the guards down. What better time for a love confession than now?

“ I still don’t know where I belong. But for every heart there’s a favorite song. Believe me, you don’t have to fear, because I’ll always choose you, my dear! As long as I love you, I’ll be okay.”

And he smiled, even if he knew it was not the case…

After a while, they found themselves in the same place again. But this time around, something had already completely changed.

The existence of both of their fears had led them to another space. One where both of them could not belong together.

One where their love was unrequited. And yet it wasn’t. They were just too blind to see it.

They purposefully let go of each others hands, as they were too scared to be the one left alone. None of them knew what they shared. Both of them were unaware of the reason behind all of their actions.

So they waited. They didn’t want to be the first to admit it. They knew their feelings were no longer some foolish intentions. No, they were ready to risk it all.

They were ready to show each other the true side of their affection, so they met at the coffee shop where it all once began. They were not sure whether or not this place would mark their end too.

The coffee had long gone cold,

The candles burned down, their fire had gone out.

None of them had moved an inch,

staring into each others eyes wishing to see their souls.

Wishing they would tell them what neither of them had ever been told.

© Ana Morais 2022-08-28
