I’d never thought that this summer will be the summer of change. Change in my mental health. From the worst the best to I have ever been. The summer of moving on. Moving on from father’s death. Moving on from my childhood to becoming an independent adult. Change of trust as I started opening up to nurses, therapists and most importantly the most caring social worker who basically helped me getting through the hardest phase of my life. Change of countries as I moved The Netherlands for my studies. Change of studies from journalism to International social work. Change in opening up and therefore building new connections. Connections with people from countries all over the world such as Italy, Australia, Kenia and many more. Change in my relationship status from single to taken after starting dating around end of summer. And most importantly change from sad and heartbroken to happy and healed.
I’d never thought that this autumn will be the autumn of finding love. Love that I feel for my boyfriend, which gets bigger and bigger day by day. I never felt this way for anyone ever before and I am glad I finally found love. Love for the most calm, funny, understanding, handsome and lovely human being I have ever met. I hope he will always stay by my side. We share many great memories in such a short period of time and there are definitely more to come. We celebrated Carneval and Christmas together, went to the sea and stayed in quarantine, twice. All this brought us closer together and made me want making more memories and going on more adventures together.
I’d never thought that this winter will be the winter of being locked inside. Corona never was and never will be my best friend, but more like my enemy. After coming home from holidays at my boyfriends family’s home, we hang out with his hallmates. Unfortunately one had Covid which led to us being locked inside for five days. After about a week I got Covid myself which meant almost 10 days locked in a 12 squaremeter room together. It was nice to have each other’s company, but it was not so nice to miss exams and not seeing anybody for days. I used the time quite well started crafting, painting, writing short stories and reading. I guess I used my time well and I am happy that I found new hobbies. Also, I booked two trips. One to Austria and one to Iceland. The second one is a dream come true and l can’t wait to rent a van to drive through the beautiful countryside with my friends.
Thanks summer, autumn and winter 2021 for turning out pretty good! :)
© Esther Wundsam 2022-02-03