
by Amara


crime is everywhere. People get hurt for looking at someone, not doing the right thing, or people just doing it for fun this world is a cruel place people carry knives like its normal people carrying guns not knowing they could be taking someone’s life but we can’t blame each other for this some people are peer pressured into doing things they don’t want too but the sad thing is if they do not do it they could end up like the person they’re getting pressured to hurt or even kill nobody has an excuse to stab or shoot someone no matter the situation they don’t deserve to die what makes me sick to my stomach are people who stab or shoot people for fun imagine little kids who are no older than the age of 13 they haven’t even experienced the adult life imagine there parents there friends they grieve and cry but they know the person isn’t-coming back so we shall fight to stop crime all around the world.

© Amara 2023-04-09
