
Lud Fernandes

by Lud Fernandes


People are mean, they talk badly about others without even knowing them and without caring if they end up hurting someone.

My father is one of the most famous people in the world, and nobody likes him. Strangely enough, none of the people who speak ill of him have ever really met him, but that doesn’t stop them from speaking ill of him all the time.

I suffered for years for being his daughter. I always saw everyone around me bad-mouthing my father, and the few times I had the courage to say that I am his daughter, everyone turned away from me.

They said he was no good, that he was bad. And that if I was his daughter, I must be no good either.

How can you be like that? Growing up with people who hated my father was terrible. People who knew who I was always looked at me funny and never had the courage to talk to me.

The children were the cruelest. They always teased me that I should be ashamed to show my face, that I should hide from the world so that no one would know I existed.

I grew up alone, and for many years I hated myself for being who I was, but none of this is my fault. It’s not my fault that I’m his daughter, and it’s also not my fault if you have the habit of judging others without knowing them. It’s your own fault.

After I finally understood this, I started to get closer to my father, and I realized that he is amazing. He taught me everything I know, he always took care of me even though I was ashamed to be his daughter.

My father was by my side at all times, unlike my mother, who abandoned me when she found out who my father was, and unlike you, who judge him without knowing him.

I only realize this now, but for a long time he tried to warn me about how people were, and how they would treat me if they knew who I was.

I never listened to him, I wanted to give you guys a chance, I wanted to be like you, but now I realize that he was right, people are horrible.

Today, I am the daughter that my father always dreamed me to be. I work with him every day, he taught me everything he knows.

Thanks to him, I now know how people should really be treated. Now I understand why he devoted so many years to perfecting torture techniques.

As a child, I always wondered why there are so many more people in hell than in heaven, and the answer is that most people are in hell because that is where they deserve to be.

Pleased to meet you, my name is Luci, I am the daughter of the devil, and I will see you very soon.

© Lud Fernandes 2023-05-17

Suspense & Horror