Dance till you don’t have to hide

Marie B

by Marie B


The adrenaline pumped through my body while I was walking in the middle of my friends. And maybe it was also the alcohol. I smiled while I looked around. Everyone was laughing, drinking and occasionally stumbling a little. It was just so loud. And I loved it.

As we reached the next intersection Paula stopped and lifted her bottle into the air. “Everybody, stop!” she shouted. Just at this moment Can’t Hold Us played through the box we carried with us. We all started screaming excitedly and started singing and dancing along while Paula carried out her duty of pouring each of us alcohol into our mouths. By now, she was drunk enough to sometimes pour so much that our clothes got wet. But we didn’t care. We were having fun.

After the song ended, we continued our way towards the club. Soon we could hear the bass from a distance. In front of the club there were still a lot of people that wanted to get in. We stood at the end of the queue and hastily emptied our bottles before throwing them into the nearest bush.

It didn’t take long until we got into the club. Or maybe the alcohol messed up my feeling of time. When we entered, we directly headed for the dance floor. The music reverberated in my body and my head was empty. I jumped, danced, screamed with the others until my feet hurt and my throat was dying.

“Wanna get a drink?” I screamed into Fabs ear. She showed me a thumbs up and grabbed my hand, pulling me through the crowd. We put money together and she ordered Korn for all of us. With the glasses we made our way back to the others and handed everyone a drink. We kept moving to the music while emptying our glasses.

When they were all empty, I collected them and went back to the bar. Before going back to the others, I watched them dance. A smile formed on my lips while gratitude and love, so much love filled my chest. Just at this moment Lu spotted me and waved, signaling me to go back to them. Hastily I blinked the tears away that started to choke me. When I reached Lu I hugged her tightly. She looked at me, confusion in her eyes. I just smiled at her and continued dancing.

The whole night I was happy and enjoying myself until I wasn’t. At some point I watched Mara and Niko. They held hands, kissed sometimes. Laughed. I looked around at all the other couples that danced together. The hetero couples. All of them smiling, laughing, kissing. Then my eyes landed on Phillip and Will. They were laughing, smiling, dancing together. But they weren’t touching. Not many people knew that they were together. Seeing them here now, so close together but not touching made me angry. I could see from the way they looked at each other how in love they were. But there were people that did not want to see it. There were people that would deny them their love simply because they are both men. I stopped dancing while my whole body started to fill with anger. Maybe because I was drunk. Maybe because the music was so loud or maybe because this thought had crushed the happiness in me, I just stood there and screamed.

© Marie B 2023-08-27

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