Daydreams. Chapter 6


by FieryAngel


An unleashed beast

“Are you kidding me?!” Nik gasped. Of course, he was surprised, but he didn’t run off screaming, like a 5-year-old girl. “Hah, much better!” Marcy chuckled, slapping her knee. She dived into the spoon and dived out into Luna’s living room. “Comedy gold!” she continued.

“Marcy, I’m going out with Nikolas in an hour, so don’t make another mess. I won’t have time to clean it up!” Luna called from her bedroom. “Fine!” came the reply.

In half an hour, the girl left the house. As you might’ve thought, Marcy followed her. “Hi, Nik! Neat shirt,” Luna said. “Thanks, I like your dress!” Nikolas smiled.

“Luna, guess what happened in the morning? I was about to have my breakfast, but suddenly my bowl of cereal flew up and tipped over my head! And then, my mug flew out of my hand and poured the juice on my hair! That was magic!” “Really? That’s incredible!” the girl lied as she immediately realised that it was her double’s fault. At that moment, she wished she could give Marcy an angry look.

When Luna and Nik went bowling, Marcy had made their bowling balls roll at them, instead of the pins. She made their karaoke explode into pieces when they started to sing and pushed the two apart when they wanted to hold hands.

After the date, Luna had a serious talk with Marcy.

“This is getting too far! Don’t you dare get between me and Nikolas! You hear that Marcy?” the girl thundered. Again, her double agreed, with a sly smile on her face.

But then, Luna sighed desperately, “Marcy… what would happen if I… freed you?” The creature’s eyes grew wider, with excitement. “Well, I’d get a body and be a human. I always dreamed of it. I mean, now I can grab things and lift them, but a part of me has to stay in the Mirror Dimension. And, I am invisible to everyone, but you”. Luna hesitated for a moment and sighed again. “Maybe, she’ll be more helpful around the house, and she’ll change to the best?” she thought.

“Marcy, I will free you, but only under one circumstance – don’t get between me and Nik. Okay?” she declared.

Luna’s double nodded. Then it explained what to do: “Light candles and place them all around the mirror I’m in, and yourself. Next, take a wax pencil and draw a crescent moon on your left hand. After that, we’ll need a part of you… for example, blood, spit, or a patch of hair. Whatever it is, you have to make sure it’s on your left palm”.

“I think I’ll go with spit,” Luna replied, spitting at her palm. Then, she set up lit candles as instructed and drew a moon on her hand. Marcy drew a sun on her right hand and spat at her palm.

“Now, we touch hands,” she ordered. The creature put her hands on the mirror and watched the girl do the same. When they touched hands, Marcy muttered a spell and the signs on their hands glowed.

© FieryAngel 2022-08-30
