by Sina Hörth
Dear Kayan!
How are you? I am honestly not entirely sure how to start this letter. My teacher said this pen pal program is for forging new bonds all across the universe. That sounds a bit pretentious in my ears, but I’m excited to make a new friend. Anyways, I have to introduce myself I guess. So hi, I’m Juda, currently 15 moons old and I live on the planet Tavadai, and I am part of the Tavadi. My hobbies, why does writing this letter feel so terribly cliché, include messing with my two older brothers and helping my parents create new recipes for our ale. Tavadai is very famous for that stuff, if you didn’t know. I personally don’t like the taste but the smell can be nice. Tell me if you want to know more about my family, I don’t want to bore you. You live on Ter Illuris, right? That’s so many planets away from me. I heard you have crystals there that can store energy, ’cause that’s what your kind needs to survive. If you’re Illur, that is, of course, just because you live there doesn’t mean you have to be. My best friend here is human and her parents are Evvi. Are you Illur? It would be really cool if you were! Anyways, I am really running out of ideas, so I’m just gonna end this letter here. Hope to read from you soon!
Sincerely, Juda.
Hey Kayan!
The last letter you sent was insane. Are you seriously telling me that you guys sit on the highest mountains during lightning storms just for fun, and because it charges you up so well? That is so crazy! I don’t have anything cool like that to tell you. It’s been mostly quiet around here, my brothers have both moved out and without them here it’s really strange. I’m not sure I like it, and now my parents want me to help more in the brewery, but I’d rather be at the forge. The things that are made there are so cool, it looks so much fun to work there and it feels much different than working with my parents. I don’t want to make you deal with all my moping though, so I’m gonna stop that. Do you still think there is a possibility we could meet up one day? I really, really want to see you. I wanna know if you sound the way I’m imagining you when I read your letters.
Sincerely, me.
Can you believe that this is the two hundredth letter I’m sending you? It’s been nearly three years since we started writing. That is so insane, and now I am sending you this letter from a ship that is taking me to Ter Illuris, it will be fun to see if the letter arrives before me. I can’t believe I finally get to meet you, and you can show me around your home! I’m so excited I can’t stop moving and I think it’s getting on my bunkmates’ nerves. I’m a bit worried too though. What if our meeting goes horribly wrong? You’ve been my friend for so long that properly meeting you is making me so nervous about what you are gonna think of me. I know we agreed back then that we would not send pictures, but I kind of regret that now. Well, we can’t change it now, so I just have to hope for the best. Oh, and you better be at the spaceport. I do not want to navigate an unknown planet on my own.
Sincerely, your very hyper best friend, Juda.
© Sina Hörth 2022-08-29