I won’t tell you what it feels like
To secretly die inside
Hidden away from the world
In the dark where you can’t get hurt
Between people who couldn’t care less
If you want to die or are just a mess
They don’t want you here
Secretly hoping you disappear
One burden less, one inconvenience gone
You can look back and wonder where you went wrong
But it has always been this way
You just didn’t know how to say
That you’re hurting
Today you know the words
But choose to stay silent as it gets worse
And nobody notices the pain that is shown
In the face you can hardly recognize as your own
But hey, it’s going to be alright
Forget that you cry at night
Forget that you try to fight
While they stand aside
Not even worrying about what might
Be going on in your head this time
Just some small, silly ideas
But what you believe is what everyone fears
And one day it will be too much
Came as a burden and will go as such
And I don’t know when you’ll see me again
But until then
Maybe you won’t hurt anymore
And have become the person you were before
© Selima Chowdhury 2023-02-22