He grew up in a big family and always struggled to prove himself to his parents. Since he was the youngest son, he would be the last at everything. The clothes, the toys, the books that the parents could afford. So he was always jealous of his two older brothers, but he never said out loud. His father was a soldier, so he trained his sons as such. Although he was the youngest and got everything the last or the least, the training was the same for all three of them. But he would never quit, even if he couldn’t catch his breath or move much afterward, he was determined to prove himself to his father and older brothers who bullied him all the time.
A few years later, one of his brothers got married and moved away, and the other joined the army to follow in his fathers footsteps. His mother didn’t pay much attention to him from the beginning and his father got older, thus he couldn’t train his son anymore. He had all the time to himself so either he would spend his day watching the girls in town doing daily chores, or reading the books he borrowed from his neighbors and their dads.
Diego studied to be a police officer to help protect this quiet little town that started having rumors about a group of people trying to take control over it who were probably from the big city that had more money than this town has ever seen. So he wanted to find out exactly who they were and protect Hiddenstone if needed. And a steady paycheck would be nice to help him move to a new place he could have all to himself. He had the brains and the training to become one, so he was sure to achieve when the time comes.
Wondering around the town one day he met a beautiful young lady named Hanna.She was the daughter of a farmer who had three more daughters, but neither of them as charming as Hanna. And once he saw her a few more times, he was determined to spend the rest of his life with her. They got married at a cold and snowy day at a small town church just a few steps away from the new house he bought for the two of them. His parents couldn’t be happier about it. Even his mother approached and hugged him for the first time for as long as he can remember. Diego was happier about this than about his marriage for a very long time. But they spent marvelous years together with Hanna and their twins till the day they died.
© Shaya Garayeva 2023-09-01