(Don’t) Follow The Instructions

Camille B

by Camille B


When you see a sign that says “Don’t knock” what do you do? Do you listen and walk away? Not spending another thought on the sign? Or do you contemplate, adding all the components, the where, the how, the why? And then, what do you do? Do you still walk away? Or do you knock?

There’s a sign. In space. Deep blue space. Far from the usual travel routes and the blinking star streets. Too far, but for now, there’s no one here to remind me of that little detail. My ship rests dead by my side, a single trail of smoke winding up into the darkness. I’m just a speck away from uncharted space. Something that we’ve all been warned about, our entire lives. If anyone finds out, I’ll be short one ship and a job, Toleriane even more of a confinement than it already is. 

The sign is old, the red colour faded. It’s been rammed into the grainy ground with nothing around it. I kick at some dust and turn away. The thought is tempting. But here in space, so far out? Who knows who put it there. What the intention behind it is. 

Something beneath the dust catches my eye. Purple, flowing. A whole different space matter. It’s hidden under grey dust and sand. When I kneel and dig my hand into the sand, the purple matter wraps gently around my fingers. It sways, then rumbles. Softly it squeezes my hand, and then it gives a sudden, vicious bite. I stumble back, curse on my tongue. 

Slowly, it rises, curling like smoke until it materialises in front of me, towering solidly higher and higher. It looks like a door, leading to nowhere. Or maybe through to the other side of this rock. 

I reach for where the doorknob should be. Nothing. I push against the material. Again, nothing.  

Carefully, I walk over to the other side, and try again. Nothing happens, nothing stirs. The space matter continues to pulse, sometimes a deeper purple, then almost pink. A flicker of red, green.

I reach up, balling my hand into a fist. Then hesitate, my heart pounding in my ears. No one’s around, no one to observe me and my foolishness. The thing I’m about to do, something that could land me somewhere unpleasant. My hand falls to my side, I take a step back. No one to stop me.

I can’t help it, I knock.

© Camille B 2023-09-20

Science Fiction & Fantasy