Dont show, dont tell

Nisa Durmaz

by Nisa Durmaz


On the way home, Ava decided to visit the café she’d passed by in the morning. She stepped inside as a bell chime rang through the small space.

It was a comfortable space with the counter accompanied by tall stools opposite the door. About five tables with 2 to 3 chairs were spread around the room. The chairs were embellished with a light forest green, and the rest of the place was decorated with mostly similar shades of color. Plants could be found in every corner of the room. Ava thought they suited the cafè beautifully.

Behind the counter stood a young girl with tan skin and red highlights in her dark hair. “Hi, how can I help you?”, she asked when Ava walked up to the counter. She didn’t recognize the lady, considering she came here regularly, and thought her to be a new barista.

“Uh, a small latte with sugar, please.”
“Right, on it”, the young lady replied and got to work. She made a mental note of how fluid her movements were. ‘She’d be good at dancing’, Ava thought absently.

“You mentioned something about tests yesterday?” The question was from her mother. “Oh yeah, right. Give me a second”, Ava answered and went to get her test.

“57/60? Wow, good job Ava! Almost a full score”, her mother praised.
“What did you get wrong? Didn’t you say it was easy? You probably told your friends that as well”, her father questioned. Ava hoped this wouldn’t turn into a discipline about her grades and ‘reputation’ at school.
She knows enough about her father, and knows why her grades are so important.

“Well, it was. I just misunderstood the question, that’s all.”
“I had hoped you’d come home with a full score, but I suppose our girl just isn’t that good.” He’s not mad.
‘Isn’t that good.’

Though her face remained stoic, her mind was racing.

He was disappointed.

‘Isn’t that good.’
Not good enough.

“I’ll try harder next time”, was all she said.
The meaning of words was never easy to decipher. Even more so if it included a choice.

© Nisa Durmaz 2024-07-31

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Reflective, Sad, Tense