down the rabbit hole


by Alboba


“Living across the street from each other is a disaster! It’s impossible to keep track of both flats. I’m unhappy, we should move in together.” “Ok.” So we packed our stuff and I made everything worse by moving in together. It all became a blur of screaming and banging doors. Six months after moving in I saw our neighbors pack their stuff into their car and move out. Worried, they had knocked on our door a few times. In a silent mutual agreement that we couldn’t resolve the situation in conversation, they would bang a broom from the floor below when the fighting escalated. Fights escalated often. At our housewarming party everyone from our semester was invited, drinking beer and playing games I sat at my PC working on assignments. I was programmed to be a working robot with no access to fun functions, and it was destroying me fast. Instead of socializing, which I was in desperate need of, I sat there like an angry Grinch. With a beer in hand and a big smile on his face, the Italian came over, put an arm around me, and through his mustache came drunk wisdom: “ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY!” But I couldn’t stop. After endless fights, crashing on the bathroom floor where I had started occasionally cutting myself, a genius thought popped into my head that changed everything. What if drugs aren’t bad? Don’t think I got the idea from the delinquent that couldn’t control himself around weed and came home telling stories about how he shoved Ketamine up his asshole with his internet friends. It was quite the independent thought process in that I questioned, Why do I believe drugs are bad? I was also tired of fighting it. After some research, I came to the conclusion that this unmovable fact had been planted in my head by institutions and did not come from a place of my own judgment. I decided to conduct some experiments on myself for my amusement. Curiosity kills the cat. “I need your help.” I texted Marvin. There was no need for friendliness. “I told you I’m not allowed to talk to you because of my girlfriend.” “I don’t want anything from you. Do you know anyone who sells LSD?” “How did you get to this?” “I want to try it. “ It wasn’t like he cared much about my faith anyway. “I have the right guy just for you.” The three of us gathered on an Online Server to talk. I talked to a person I had loosely known before from playing a few League of Legends matches. “Hey Noel, we need some candy.” Noel was surprised it was me since he had heard me rant about how much drugs suck a couple of times, keeping quiet to spare his peace of mind. “Possibly. If you let me trip sit you.” We planned everything out, chose a nice weekend where there was nothing to do. I wanted to do it just for myself. Noel would come over to oversee everything. He came a long way in his car. We met up before to get to know each other better. Watching him waddle down the hallway to my apartment, my worries fell apart. He was short with thick glasses. His ears were folded over at the tips. Overall he resembled a friendly Elf, or Hobbit. We took a long walk, deep into the night. “LSD is a psychedelic. It’s strong, some people don’t like it. You sure you want to do this?” His demeanor was friendly and reassuring. His big green eyes were open and full of welcoming warmth. “What happens in your brain when you take it?” His studies went from giving up on pharmacy to, what he named, Lab Bimbo. His knowledge of the field was in-depth and impressive regardless.

© Alboba 2023-09-01

Novels & Stories
Dark, Emotional, Funny