Dry Humor

Franz Kellner

by Franz Kellner


In my story “Dreams and Intuitions” I mentioned that I have a habit of cracking dry jokes from time to time. Even with my dear wife, who already knows me quite well, I sometimes have to say “that was a joke”!

I’ve now chosen the title “dry humor” to be on the safe side, so that you don’t take me too seriously. Right from the start, I learned that StoryOne should only contain real-life stories, not science fiction. That’s how it should be. Maybe I developed my dry sense of humor because it helped me overcome my past depressions. In these times, I need that again. Well, what I’m writing now hasn’t happened yet, but it could happen.

Maybe LEO could get into the Guinness Book of World Records for being the first person to publish over 1000 true stories. If Daniela on Sylt also wrote 1000 stories, I might have a chance after reading all the stories by Leo and Daniela to get into the book of records if I had read over 2000 stories.

Please don’t be angry if I admit that I won’t be able to do the 2000 stories anytime soon. Not because it doesn’t mean being exciting, instructive and entertaining, but because I’ve become lazier since I retired in 2020 and promised myself that I wouldn’t want to have as much stress as in the last few decades.

I also found out that Guinness doesn’t pay anything for an entry in the Book of Records. They don’t even pay for expenses. So, of course, that affects my motivation. Should I do this for free? Something is wrong. I make an effort and Guinness makes a profit because they sell the book.

Now I’m getting a little more serious. One of my favorite subjects at school was history and I had very good teachers on it. They patiently tried to make us understand that one should learn from history’s mistakes so as not to repeat them.

From an early age, I was amazed how the Jewish people managed to keep their unique sense of humor despite their many terrible sufferings. For example, I was and am a fan of the painter Arik Brauer and also bought his only long-playing record, which he released. At the end I can only say: “Thank you dear God for humor in eternity!”

© Franz Kellner 2023-02-08
