Entering the Flow Zone / Ode to Art.

Michi Braun

by Michi Braun


This is my loveletter to all the artists, acrobats and athletes, the dancers and dreamers, the magicians and musicians, the poets and painters, the photographers and filmmakers, the sculptors and scientists, the astronauts and actors, the craftsmen and creators.

No matter if you move with your body or your mind, create with your hands or your thoughts, use paint or words, clay or canvas, music or movement, capture moments or motion:
You are the architects of wonders, the constructors of dreams, the gatekeepers of fantasy.
You embody the wisdom of yesterday and the hopes of tomorrow.
You live of sparks of inspiration to give birth to fireworks of creation.
You got a passion burning so hot inside your chest that it makes your eyes light up by the pure thought of it – and even if it burns you alive, you can’t help but live for this fire.
And you do not only want to catch a falling star and wish upon it – you want to be part of the sky to light up the world.

Thank you all for sharing your gifts. Thank you all for being you.
You are seen. You are heard. You are LOVEd. You are needed.

From the first word on paper, the first step on a stage
Til the happy end moment of the finished piece, the curtain call
I’m gettin high gettin lost in the surrealities of the flow state
And that is the best goddamn feeling of them all

It’s a kinda mindfuckfree slowed down sexcentric peace
Takin my soul on a multiorgasphantasmagoric trip
Like being dopamine drugged by the pitiless yearning to give all of my inside to the outside world
While resting in the arms of my endorphine lover, oh I’m helplessly adrenaline addicted to this tight tender grip

For how many verses did I stay in wonderland this time?
Even if my blood again rushes through my veins at standard speed, I cannot tell
All I know is that the second my journey ends every part of me, the heart of me is yearning to return
Cause the madhatter’s muses stimulate, serve and know me so damn well

So how dare you judge my persona, my path, my desire for performing perfection
When you’ve never set a foot on the grounds of creation that I call home
If you’re not my devoted friend or source of inspiration, kindly walk on and find your own roots of meaning
Cause I will fight til the end for the pursuit of my passion when I’m entering the kingdom which I hereby name:

The freedom state of infinite space between two heARTbeats and the boundless spheres of ideas of the united flow zone.

© Michi Braun 2024-08-03

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