Episode 11: Defeat

Jo Byekwaso

by Jo Byekwaso


Rentan only smirked maliciously, before brandishing another energy beam in his hands. “I don’t care who you are – I’ll destroy you all the same!” he vowed.

“Makelight Ray!” the newly-christened Officemaker Jim-Man heard himself cry out, reaching his hand to the sky, summoning a brand-new weapon for him to use: a magnificent bright yellow and blue wand-like instrument. At this point, he was done questioning all the weird goings-on – he was just going to go with the flow.

As Rentan readied his attack, Jim swung the Makelight Ray around in the air three times, before aiming it at the villain in front of him.

“Circle Beam . . . Makelight!” Jim yelled, before circles of light emerged from the beam and attacked Rentan head-on. It didn’t take much for Jim’s own attack to trump Rentan’s, much to the latter’s horror.

“No!” Rentan cried, feeling pockets of light begin to envelop his entire being. “How can this be?!”

As he felt himself succumb to the light, the villain cried out an anguished, “NOOOOOOO!!!”

There was a bright flash of light, causing Jim to shield his eyes. When he looked back up, Rentan was no more. Jim stood still for a moment, panting heavily, relieved that the battle seemed to be over.

“Officermaker Jim-Man?” a rematerialised Fluffy said, raising one furry eyebrow. “That’s your hero moniker?”

“Well, it was the first thing I could think of,” Jim defended. “Besides, I think it has a nice ring to it.”

“To each their own, I suppose,” Fluffy shrugged.


“Hannah? Hannah?” Jim gently shook the 31-year-old, causing her to stir with a subdued groan.

“Mmn . . . wha . . .?” Hannah mumbled, before properly coming to. “Jim? What happened? I just had the weirdest dream . . .”

“A-a weird dream?” Jim forced a chuckle, mentally kicking himself for stuttering. “Why don’t we get you home and you can tell me all about it tomorrow?”

Hannah nodded woozily. “Okay . . .”

She allowed herself to be pulled up by her co-worker and led out of the building. At some point, Hannah had dipped back into unconsciousness, but Jim didn’t mind one bit. In all honesty, he was just over the moon that his crush was so close to him and he actually managed to keep it together for once.

Definitely a step up from asking her about the weather, that’s for sure!

© Jo Byekwaso 2023-08-29

Humor & Satire