Episode 4: Crush

Jo Byekwaso

by Jo Byekwaso


After working nonstop for the past 3 hours, Jim decided it was high time for a coffee break; he needed the caffeine in his system, not to mention the opportunity to stretch his legs. He got up from his chair and made his way towards the coffee machine, only to stop abruptly in his tracks once he saw it was already occupied by none other than Hannah Davis.

To put it bluntly, Hannah was a stunner: She had long, flowing brown hair that cascaded down her back like a chocolate waterfall, adorable freckles that dotted her face and shoulders and deep, blue eyes that were difficult to not get completely lost in. Jim had had a crush on her ever since she joined his division 6 months prior, but wasn’t at all sure of how to talk to her; it had been a while since he had dated someone, not to mention the fact that he was also a father now. Also, if he was honest, she was way out of his league.

“You’ve spent a long time glaring at the coffee machine,” Jim remarked, trying to keep his voice level as he approached the woman currently staring intently at the small, heart-emblazoned coffee mug in front of her. “What did it do to you?”

“Oh, hey, Jim,” Hannah greeted, chuckling sheepishly. “Sorry; I was just looking for an espresso shot, but I guess they’ve all been taken.”

At this moment, Jim remembered he always carried some extra espresso sachets in his pocket just in case they ran out at the office. Fishing one out, he handed it to Hannah, saying, “Will this do?”

“You’re a lifesaver!” Hannah beamed, taking the sachet. “Thanks, Jim.”

“Not at all,” Jim responded, before he saw a good way of making conversation. “Hey, I can’t help but notice that we both like the same type of coffee – what a coincidence!”

“Yeah,” Hannah agreed with a small smile. “Funny that, huh?”

As Hannah started to make her espresso, a silence overtook the two. Jim desperately thought of something to say: this was his one chance to impress his crush, to dazzle her with his proficiency in the dating department and leave her wanting more – he couldn’t blow it!

“So, uh, how about that weather we’re having, huh?” Jim attempted, before immediately cringing at himself for such an obvious line.

“Uh, I gotta get back to work, but I’ll speak to you later, Jim,” Hannah said, smiling kindly before leaving for her workstation with her mug. “Thanks for the espresso!” she called whilst on her way.

Jim couldn’t even find it in himself to say “bye” to her, watching helplessly as she casually sauntered back to her seat.

Yep. I blew it, he thought irritably to himself.

Maybe one day, he’d actually be able to hold a proper conversation with Hannah. He wouldn’t hold his breath, though.

© Jo Byekwaso 2023-08-26

Humor & Satire