You showed me how it feels to be truly loved. To hold hands, to be safe.
You were my first everything, I was your first everything. “With love, with care, with patience”, do you remember? The excitement, the fear, the laughs, the love? So much love: “beyond than infinity and beyond”, you used to say. Remember that? I know you do. I know you remember how you used to cook your famous burritos for me, how you would teach me to play videogames, how I would go to your practices with the band, how you became the center of my universe.
We learned to feel together. We learned to love together.
I was so scared of losing you, I ended up pushing you away, breaking both our hearts. Sometimes I still miss you. No one has ever compared to your love. And you never fail to appear in my dreams every other night, making sure I don’t forget the kind of affection I deserve.
Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for you and hope you are living your own fairytale. And despite the distance, I will always support you and wish you the best, just like you have done for me. The spark we had, the moments we shared and the lessons we learned are forever treasured in my soul. We grew up together and then grew apart, but forever yours remains a piece of my heart.
Love you always -Nube
I loved you. And you loved me. No one ever doubted our connection. It just never seemed to be the right moment. Our moment.
Years went by and we forgot about our unique spark and the special way in which we understood each other. But the universe had planned one of its famous twists many people call “fate”. It was as if nothing had changed between us. The jokes, the honesty, the deep conversations, the same old feelings. “It was about time”, everyone used to say, even before we could comprehend it. We let it flow. “Let’s keep it slow”, we said to ourselves. But the truth is, when life offers you opportunities like that, like us, it’s not possible to take it easy. You in my life and me in yours. As it should have been years ago.
Sadly, a 180 degree turn brought back the distance between us and I was left with many questions without understanding why it had to come to an end. “Did I make a mistake?”, “Was there even a mistake?”, “Did you move on so fast?”
But it was no one’s fault. And now I know I will always have a little corner in your heart. Just like you in mine.
There is nothing left to say but thank you. For trusting me and letting me trust you. For sitting next to me as I rediscovered my light. For the many laughs that warmed my life back. For a reminder of how to love and how to live. For everything you meant to me and will always mean. Thank you for being my eternal spring.
© 2023-01-22