Every Morning Is A Blessing


by LClittlecat


Do not go to bed late, so that on the next day you feel great! Having a good and enough sleep gives us a great morning. Do you think so? I do. Some need 5 hours of sleep, and they are already satisfied. Me, I need at least 6 hours’ sleep, and I am already happy about that.

Another Morning! It is a blessing. A blessed morning is one that sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Whenever I wake up, I thank God, because another day is added into my life. The first words I say in the morning are “Thank You, Lord!” Well, we should all thank Him for the life we have. It is difficult to stay happy all day long because we might encounter problems, encounter some negative people, but I always try to be happy. I do my best to think positive and try my best to make it a productive day!

Of course, having a coffee in the morning is a blessed morning! Imagine the smell of the coffee, and holding a cup of coffee is one of the reasons to be happy. Some people need a cup of tea and me I need a cup of coffee. After that, I hear good music while doing something. You know, having good music in the morning helps us to have good vibes. I think so. Do you think I am right?

So remember, every morning is a blessing. Do not forget to do good things before the day ends. Even just a minute call to your Mom or to your loved ones, just to say you love them and they are very important in your life. I used to call my Mom when I had a day off. I just wanted her to feel that I missed her, and I do care to know how she is. Even that we can call it that we are blessed. Talking and hearing about our loved ones is a blessing. Because we should value the moments and most of all the time. We can’t go back from the past. We should enjoy and be grateful for every single day we spend with our loved ones. Value the time, value the moments and enjoy life and choose to be happy, because life is too short! I love my morning, because having a cup of coffee plus good and relaxing music in the background is kind of luxus for me. Because I value time and I am grateful.

Did you think about singing birds in the morning? Oh, well, I’ve been awakened by singing birds quite often and it is a blessing! A blessing because I am alive, and I am blessed to hear the birds that God made! Imagine you slept well, and the birds woke you up. You are truly blessed for that, and I will say it again and again to just be grateful!

What about having a good breakfast? Did you think about it? Every morning is a blessing, you are alive! Get up and try to enjoy your morning by having a good breakfast. Think about your favorite food besides coffee. I love to eat fried rice in the morning with sausage, bacon and scrambled eggs. Oh! Wow! I already feel great thinking about it. You know, having a good breakfast helps us to think positively, and perhaps we will get some good ideas and who knows, maybe we will need it! So try to get a very good breakfast. It is, I think, a must for some people.

Enjoy life, enjoy time. We will never know when our last day is here in the world.

© LClittlecat 2024-04-14

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