by Ribo Ribo
The real Scarlett immediately emerges from under the table and tackles the evil Scarlett before the end of the chant. The two women engage in a fight. Scarlett gets scratched below her left eye. Then, the alternate Scarlett kicks Scarlett in her stomach. As the evil woman walks toward the table to pick up her guns, Scarlett lunges at her forcefully. The evil woman hits the ground with her face. The gemstone rolls on the ground under the table. Prof. Johnson picks it up and throws it into the wall with force. It breaks into pieces. The evil Scarlett yells in fury, “NO!!!!!!! You’ve ruined my plan. Now, I will ruin your life.”
The two ladies now are in a war of reaching for the gun. They both grab the gun at the same time and battle for it. At the same time, Prof. Johnson picks up a stoolchair. He plans to hit the evil Scarlett at the back of her head. As he runs toward the battling women, the evil Scarlett pulls the trigger and the bullet hits the ceiling. Another bullet goes off. This time, it hits the running Prof. Johnson. Scarlett cries in pain and disbelief as she accidentally pulled the trigger while stopping the evil version of herself.
Feeling infuriated, she twisted the arms of her evil self. A heartwrenching scream goes off from the lips of the evil Scarlett as she falls down on her knees. She loses her grip on the gun. Scarlett throws her knees right on the forehead of the evil woman. She falls down on the ground. Scarlett points the gun at her evil self and yells on disdain and outrage, “May you burn in two hells, you evil witch.” Two bullets fly down.
After finishing off the evil woman, she rushes toward her professor. Prof. Johnson has already had his last breath. As her tears of misery flows down, she notices a piece of paper in his hand. She unfolds his hand and grabs it. It is the code to start the travelling machine. It is the password that is going to take her back to reality. She picks up the machine from his pocket.
Two weeks later, posters of two missing people are everywhere in the city. The two missing people are Detective Scarlett and Prof. Johnson. Their sudden disappearance has been a mystery to the whole world.
In the parallel world, Scarlett, with a healing scar below her left eye, is in court facing her trials. “Miss Scarlett will be face 30 years of prison for first degree murder of Professor Johnson William and an unidentifiable woman and a terrible arson,” ordered the judge. Tears flows down like a river on Scarlett’s face, with the whole incident playing in her head like flashbakcs, from the sight of her dead professor to her burning the pieces of paper containing the evil plan, the code and the travelling machine, that did not function anymore when she tried for its inside broke down due to the harsh fall of Prof. Johnson. She signs as she thinks to herself, “It’s worth it. I saved both worlds.”
© Ribo Ribo 2023-08-30