1 I used to find peace in the colour of your eyes.
2 in the gleam that shone through my soul;
3 the perfect shade of a chestnut —
4 warm and fierce, used to call them home.
5 In the way your hands have lingered,
6 lightly, yet with unassailable compassion.
7 Oh, how you promised to stay and
8 how I desired to be your forever companion.
9 You promised the world, and I was drunk on your words,
10 entangled in this perfect mess that we were —
11 yet now the image of us is distorted,
12 and your face is nothing but a blur.
13 You’re slipping away now,
14 our memories slowly fading.
15 By the end, there’ll be nothing left of us,
16 and finally, my heart will have stopped
17 aching.
© Nikolett Galambos 2023-06-25