by Sina Hörth
Purple water splashed up where a small child was running along the shoreline, playing tag with his robotic giraffe. “Don’t run too far from us, honey!” one of his mothers called from their lounging area. “Don’t worry so much Winja. He has Edo with him, that little robot will keep an eye on him,” her wife chuckled at the Silea’s antics, “and besides he might be almost four but we can still outrun him!”
“You’re right but still,” Winja sighed, “Come here and cuddle me so that I worry less!” The Lovil rolled her many eyes at her partner but obliged, curling into the large lounge chair beside her, delighted when her wife’s skin changed from an agitated red to a calm blue.
Down at the beach, their son had found a small animal colony and was watching the tiny creatures dig in the sand with wide eyes. “Crabs.” he whispered reverently, reaching out with short fingers to poke at them. “Those are not crabs Naz!” Edo’s slightly static voice stated, “According to my scans they are a local species called Cisqa and while they do look similar to the Earth native animal called crab, they are vastly different in their biological make up!”
“No crabs?” Naz pouted, looked up at his robot, all of his eyes large in a way only a child could manage. “No crabs,” the giraffe answered, “but I am sure if you look around, you will find far more interesting animals than simple crabs!”
“Really?” The child looked around excitedly and caught a group of small birds soaking up the sun and chirping amongst themselves. “Birds?” Naz questioned Edo, pointing at them. “Birds indeed, I believe those are called Alvi!”
“Alvi,” the child cheered and started running towards them, kicking up the blue sand of the beach. The birds chirped louder when he reached them, all frantically flapping their wings to escape the curious Lovil. Naz giggled brightly, chasing after them, with Edo hovering by his head. Eventually, the birds flew far out of the young child’s reach, and a small number of shiny stones caught his attention.
“Edo look!” Naz picked up the two shiniest he could find and presented them to his friend. “They are very pretty. Why did you pick them up?”
“For mommy and mama,” the child answered. “What a wonderful idea. I am sure they will love them!”“Yey,” Naz cheered again before turning around and heading back to his mothers as quickly as his small legs could carry him. “Mommy, Mama look!” The two women looked up to where their child was climbing the stairs to the lounge, the two rocks clutched tightly to his chest. “What do you have there, baby?” Winja asked. “I think he brought us a treasure!” Koa exclaimed, getting up from the lounge chair and scooping the child into her arms. “Didn’t you darling? You brought us a little treasure!” Naz squealed in his mother’s arms and nodded, “Yes, treasure for you!”
“Why thank you,” Silea joined her wife and took one of the offered stones, “these are so pretty. We’ll put them somewhere special once we get home!”
“Yay!” Naz’s laughter rang brightly across the beach.
© Sina Hörth 2022-08-29