
Paola Rivas

by Paola Rivas

Tulum, Mexico. 2015

Time passed, years… Over time, FB existed and through this platform I was in contact with Kurt a couple of times, but very few.

So… it was 2015. That year I was living in Tulum, a nice place on the Yucatán Peninsula next to the beautiful Caribbean Sea. I had a nice life as a scuba diving photo and videographer for tourists who bought a tour, either in the sea or in the caverns. I was also a Kundalini Hatha yoga teacher and guided Temazkal ceremonies (something like a steam bath with medicinal plants and in the dark where through inner strength and breathing the physical body, the soul and spirit can heal).

I used to live in a small, comfortable hut made of sticks and palm leaves. I had mangoes, bananas and palm trees with coconuts outside for my delight, and I was happy with my cats, Choko and Tote.

That year I turned 31 years old in May, and my great birthday wish was released through a ceremony I did myself, where I asked the universe to give me the opportunity to recognize my great love in life and no longer be alone in the world.

A few days after my birthday party, I posted photos to my FB, and ‘Kurt’ (not his real name) caught my attention, with just 1 word in a comment. There was a photo of me where I was swimming in a cenote (like a large natural freshwater pool), and he wrote the word “mermaid,” and my response to his comment was “your mermaid” and just like that, the conversation between us began again.

Kurt and I spoke via FB Messenger and on this call we agreed to meet again after 13 years. Not even a month later, in July 2015, I flew to Germany for the first time for 90 days during a summer vacation to meet my old love. I must say that I was completely surprised and was 1000% sure that this was a sign that the universe had heard my birthday wish. In Germany, everything was very different, and a great adventure for me.

Even though it was summer, it was still cold for me, and I wore sweaters when I was on the Münster Canal, where people in swimsuits looked at me in a strange way.

Everything was great, lots of love and great moments, nothing could be better until…

It came a day when Kurt and I had a conversation about life, dreams about the future, etc. I would have to say that I consider myself a spiritual person, and in my tradition, we are sure that we, as humans, are not the only intelligent creatures in the entire universe.

My Mexika Ancestors built and left important Teocallis, also known as “pyramids”, where the “Star People” came every certain time, and brought knowledge about plants, the cosmos, mathematics and much more. It is no “coincidence” that my Ancestors were the first civilization on the American continent to discover the mathematical meaning of the number zero and use it for archaeoastronomical purposes. I noticed that after this “conversation” something in Kurt had changed somehow towards me.

© Paola Rivas 2024-02-19

Adventurous, Challenging, Emotional