by Ana Morais
What is it like being a woman?
Well, being a woman is something incredibly beautiful. We are able to create life in our wombs, which is already in itself a miracle. But we are not just determined by our ability to put children into this world. We are so much more.
So much more than society wants us to believe. It keeps us trapped inside a cage, where we only see beauty in its physical form. We tend to be hard on ourselves and our bodies. We wish to look like these famous people in the media, even though this is not what they truly look like. Pornography destroys the minds of men and boys, yet we are the ones who have to face the consequences. It is simply unfair.
We are constantly tricked into believing that we are not enough. Not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not feminine enough, just to name a few examples. But who defines who we should or should not be?
Why do we let other people dictate what beauty does truly look like? After all, it is determined by preferences. I am sorry to disappoint you, but there will always be people who will genuinely not like you. And that is totally okay. You don’t have to live up to everyone’s expectations. You don’t need to change yourself to fit into society’s standards, you can simply create your own.
Because what would happen if we would finally step out of the comfort zone and live our lives how we want to? We could learn to love and trust ourselves completely. Starting to love our bodies the way they are. Not condemning ourselves for being different, but rather embracing it. Standing up for ourselves and our rights. Not just simply accepting something because you are used to it, but questioning how it actually serves you.
Now imagine if we were all part of it. If every woman on this earth had the courage to question what is right or wrong and who should determine it. I believe that we are more than just our bodies and the perception of other people. We are how we see ourselves. The way we dance around in our room to our favorite music, the way we laugh about something that is not even really all that funny, how we feel when we do something that fulfills us or the way our eyes sparkle when we talk about something we are truly passionate about.
I know that it is not always easy to see yourself in another light than the one we were told to use ever since the start of our lives. But I also know how liberating it feels to discover oneself in ways that other people might have missed. So let’s be brave and encourage ourselves and others to do exactly that. To see the perfect in all those imperfections.
© Ana Morais 2022-08-28