Fireworks (Pt.1)

Z Surakji

by Z Surakji

Summer Carnival


You haven’t picked up in a while. Wherever you are, I hope you’re okay.

I went to see the fireworks the other day. The city had a seasonal show and everyone said that it should be quite the spectacle. I had nothing better to do, if I’m being honest, and if I stayed one more day in my room I’d just rot away. Summer’s coming to an end, and I suppose there’s no better way to end it than with a bang.

Lots of them.

The train was unusually crowded with people all dressed up and heading along to my destination. I stood out with my t-shirt and sweatpants combo, but I couldn’t care less. Jam-packed, we had to skip a few stops since the train barely had any space left for any more pretty outfits. Soon enough the train groaned to a stop, and a fleet of feet flooded out its doors.

It hissed a sigh of relief.

On the way to the hills where the show was set, I dove through the seasonal marketplace. It was an overwhelming attack on each of my senses. My brain was overloaded trying to process the mind-numbing rush of stimulants around me. Little by little, however it started to pull apart the figurative ball of yarn, and it all started to make a little more sense.

Acclimating to the atmosphere, I could finally see the melodic harmony hidden under layers of chaotic confusion.

A spectrum of vividly colored booths; an ocean of mouthwatering aromas; a cacophony of music and chatter. Crowds among crowds swarmed in celebration, dressed in vibrant outfits matching the energy in the air as they welcomed the change of times.

You should’ve been there.

I parted through the waves and made my way away from all the lights towards another kind of light show.

© Z Surakji 2023-07-05

Novels & Stories, Spirituality
Emotional, Reflektierend