The Cheshire Cat: “Follow the white rabbit”
Me: “Which one?”
The Cheshire Cat: “Doesn’t matter they’ll all lead you down the same path. Where they are going to take you is where you will find where you have been headed all along”
Me: “Where would that be you mischievous little cat? Insanity?”
The Cheshire Cat: “Freedom”
Painting frames
When I was little no one wanted to play
So I decided that I hated the games
And started repainting the frames
When they started calling me names
They all sounded the same
It all started falling into a haze
Running circles in this maze
Words tumbled like my grades
So I started writing essays
And repainted the frames
Mama said
“Go clean up those blood stains,
They get darker when it rains
They should be white
You should be alright.
Dear child stop biting your nails
Break that habit
Don’t follow the rabbit
And follow my faith
Go get academic As”
© Johanna Welker 2023-09-02