
Sina Buitkamp

by Sina Buitkamp


I need to inhale the summer air again, feel the breeze of freedom under my wings, taking me places I’ve never been. Nothing to stop me, no one to trip me, just the endlessness of the sky and the setting sun at the horizon. The forever changing game of colours promises a new day ahead, another chance, possibilities and risks and perhaps even a rain shower to wash away the sorrows of the past. A clean slate to start anew, make mistakes, have another shot at freedom and make it worth it.

flowers blossom under the bright sunlight
and are fast asleep covered by the silver pillow of the moon
wind brushes its fingers through the leaves
and touches the tips of your hair strands
leaving them confused but free
the refreshing sound of a river chimes in the forest around you
leaving you calm, free …

alone with my thoughts, once in a while
but letting them drift,
finding a safe haven in fantasy
putting reality aside, drifting further
until fantasy mixes with reality
two genres when there’s only space for one
tired of the known, starving for adventures,
starving for more
then the wake-up-call,
well aware that it would come – it had to
fantasy drifts away, realisation mixed with
bittersweet disappointment and longing
will I ever reach a comfortable pace in life?

© Sina Buitkamp 2023-08-29

Novels & Stories