
Azmi Hoffmann

by Azmi Hoffmann


„I miss you, Lukey..“ Sarah let herself sink in his embrace. It’s their first date after she leaves him in the middle of the night without any notice. They spent a lot of time with their friend group, but never alone. They hanged out, hands holding, kisses flying here and there, but never really talk to each other. So maybe Luke misses her too, that’s why he arranged this mini golf date, too cheesy for his taste, but maybe somewhen along the way, she did tell him that she wants to go here with him. She asked who else is coming to lower her expectation, but „just the two of us“ he said. Maybe it’s the gentle breeze of the Rhein that shows her the truest form of the Rhein boy in front of. Like a true memories that they shared together, making her remember why she likes him in the first place. His laid-back charm just wraps herself wanting to freeze the time and having him for herself.

Yeah, maybe her feeling for him is egocentric, to have someone that is effortlessly magnetic, that can become the center of attention without even trying, is a pride in and of itself. To walk beside someone who is a perfect bland of casual/edgy is indeed a plus. But what’s more is that, his quiet confidence brings hers louder, his thirst of something exciting makes her heart race with the thrill of the unknown.

„Let’s see who can smash the ball higher?“ asks him after they got to the sixth hole. When Sarah says they might hit other people on the other side of the bus, he looks at her with his crooked smile, and that always become an invitation that Sarah couldn’t resist.

She looks up to him as he ruffled her hair, after her balls swings far higher as his. As he moves his face toward the watercolor horizon, she examines the tilt and there she understands, how often he makes her feel proud of herself, how being with him makes her feel that she could do anything and be anything. She let a loud sigh right after, it’s regrettable that her parents can provide that feeling to her, and now she has to search for it in someone else.

„What’s so funny?“ Lukas throws the ball that they find towards her.

„To be with you…“ She catches it easily and directly throws it back at him. They laugh at their stupid idea to play handball with a golf ball, ignoring two annoyed couple around them.

On the way back to his apartment, she wishes they did more than just have fun, she wishes that they don’t have their bike, so they can actually talk with each other, like couples in the movie. Like they used to when they just started to know each other, the bar hopping become her favorite thing to do even though she doesn’t really drink that much, but she gets to experience his stories, knowing more than his mysterious self, from his sober self to the 7 beers deep one. She wishes they get to eat somewhere and be like a normal couple, but she knows too well that there won’t be food with him after 8 and at home, they will be too busy with each other bodies until 9. So the only plan that she has to actually talk to someone to share her feelings is that to call Budy after 10.

© Azmi Hoffmann 2024-08-31

Novels & Stories