
Roswitha Springschitz

by Roswitha Springschitz


Once upon a time…on an island, far far away, there lived seven siblings, all of them provided with special gifts.

Their mother, Arielle, was a mermaid once, and their father, Neptunius, a mighty waterman. Both of them had decided to come to live on earth, to be able to help people who were in a difficult situation. By their greed, they had not only polluted water, earth and air and were suffering badly, therefore. Also, there was too much fire on earth.

Arielle, Neptunius, their eldest daughter Adriana as well as Beatus, Celine, Delfine, Eugenius, Fabius and Galatee lived on that far away island, in a tiny little house. The siblings shared the attention of their parents, beds, food. Arielle taught them, from their youngest age, to swim, to dive, to talk to fish, to be one with water. “You are water; wherever you go, the overmighty fire will diminish. Green and fresh plants will spring; a soft and cool wind will let people breathe deeply and become gentle; they will sing instead of making war!”, Neptunius explained.

And that was the way things happened: Adriana and Beatus, when grown up, went to America, Celine and Delfine to Europe and Africa, Eugenius and Fabius to Asia and they brought joy and fertility to people there. Only Galatee, the youngest, refused to go away from home. Neptunius was angry with her and Arielle tried to calm him: “Remember the day when you wanted to come to live on earth. That has not been easy for you, neither! But we were two then, in that difficult situation and supported each other…”, she said. Neptunius agreed. “Galatee is all alone; it’s much more difficult for her than for the others!”, Arielle went on. Neptunius did not answer at all. He went to the sea and stood there, for a while, thoughtfully. Then he called two of his most beloved dolphins and told them to accompany Galatee to far away Australia. As soon as Galtee saw the two animals, who offered her willingly their fins, to hold them, she jubilated and was very happy and ready to go.

Seven times seven grand-children were born within the following years and a hundred grand-grand-children of Arielle and Neptunius are still living today. Maybe you are one of them?

© Roswitha Springschitz 2023-03-24
