2.5 billion people. Generation z.
I would love to be able to say: gen z, that’s gen free, gen be who you want to be.
But if I’m being honest, I wouldn’t agree.
Being queer is easier these days, that’s what you can see.
But can I really be who I want to be?
Bullying, gossiping, judging, that is gen z.
Something happened? Spill the tea!
Addiction to phones, drugs and alcohol, that is gen z.
Enjoying life without these things? Excuse me?!
Mental illness, desperation and feeling like you’re in the wrong place, that is gen z.
It’s going to get better if you try to change something. Really?
Working too little, working too much, that is gen z.
Finding something in between, are you kidding me?
Topics we care about: racism, sexism, pollution of the sea
Taking away my rights? Bitch, I am gen z!
Fighting for things we care about, that’s the key
Not caring enough for everyone to be free
Generation z
That’s what I’m part of, proud to be.
But some things should change, as you can see.
© Victoria Buling 2023-07-17