Grey and Single


by Carla


I am single!

Being single sometimes feels like I have an illness, something highly contagious like Aids or Ebola . When I tell people I am single the first thing I get is pity. „oh, I am so sorry“ „ es tut mir echt leid“ . This is usually the answer I get especially here where people have been married to the same person they met at school, for the last 35 years. Then I get asked how it happened „was ist passiert „. They react as if like in a marvel comic, an accident happened and turned me into some kind of monster.

Almost fascinated, they then ask what I am doing about it. As if there is a pill you can take or some magic potion. Waking up with Prince Charming, naked in your bed the next morning.

These kind well meaning people, then feel compelled to invite you to their next barbecue or event, feeling an inner need to help. Assuming you have nothing to do anyway.

On arrival you get introduced to everyone, as the single one. More pity.

You get a seated next to a couple, who’s marriage has seen happier days. The wife telling, no yelling at the kids to stop fighting. The husband drinking his 3rd beer. A few Schnaps in between to aid digestion. By the the time lunch is over a husband will throw his arm around my shoulder telling me how sad and lonely he is, and when he last slept with his wife. The wife will be glaring at me from , thankfully a safe position on the other side of the garden , perhaps. Other wives will give me „the look“ shaking their heads, either showing pity or disgust. Or the kind married for 35 years hostess will try to introduce me to a bachelor she knows. You know, the kind of man that has been a bachelor his whole life and with a disturbing reason. Whatever that may be.

I have stopped going to events like that out of politeness. I prefer doing something alone.

yes, you read correctly. ALONE.

Right now, I am single by choice. In all honesty. I enjoy my freedom. I enjoy getting to spend time doing what I want, when I want and how I want to. I don’t have some disease. I don’t need need pity. You won’t lose your husband just because I am single. I am certainly not the first he flirted with while drunk! I don’t want your drunk husbands, or any husband for that matter. And please, that neighbor, friend, cousin, uncle …whoever …that has never had a long term relationship…check his police records before you introduce him to anyone. So the next time you feel the need to help someone who is single…ask first! ;-)

© Carla 2019-09-03
