I had a dream last night about the day Thea and I met, the time when I first saw this beautiful woman, when I looked into those deep blue eyes for the first time. I woke up in joy and full of love, and in anticipation of the upcoming day.
The sun starts to break through the trees as I take a short look into the forest from my hotel window. I can hear the splatter of the creek nearby, and the birds that welcome the dawning day with excited chitchat. I must admit, it is kinda weird to start such an important day without Thea next to me. At least I know she is close by, probably still snuffling into cozy pillows. Alright, let’s get ready!
I barely touched my breakfast before getting dressed. I’m way too excited to eat something, but at least one slice of bread can help calm my stomach. My mom helps me to get ready, while my dad welcomes the arriving guests and places them in front of the decorated gazebo. The white flowers and the green vines look perfect on the gazebo in combination with the forest behind it. After my hair and makeup are done, and my dress fits the way it should, I also move downstairs. I get to talk to our friends and family a little, and wait for Thea to arrive. We agreed that she would be the one moving up towards me, towards the aisle. Any minute now! I’m a little nervous, but I’m also excited and have never been happier.
Everyone is placed in their seats, and eventually the music starts. Thea chose an instrumental version of I Got You Babe by Cher & Sonny, the song that was playing at the spring fair when we shared our first kiss over six years ago. So sweet of her.
And there she is: the beautiful curly blond hair, falling softly over her shoulders, is what I noticed first. No, wait. It was the eyes. The deeply blue eyes, emphasized by soft eyeliner, stood out in her natural makeup look. She looks absolutely stunning. Her shoulder free fit and flare wedding dress with a long silky train suits her so well, and underlines her natural beauty and her whole appearance. Our eyes meet, and she smiles more beautifully than ever before. I’m getting teary, but I cannot fully cry out of joy, the makeup was too expensive for that. However, my soul is melting as she walks the aisle with both her mom and her dad. I take her hand as they reach me.
“You… look amazing. Wow… so beautiful. I love you,” I can barely speak. Thea caresses my hand and comforts me.
“You are so, so beautiful as well, Emmy,” her words move right to my chest and melt my heart, “I love you, too.” I take another look at Thea. I can see the wedding speaker moving her lips, but they reach me in slow motion. It is time to speak my vows.
“First, thank you all for coming and celebrating our special day with us. It means the world to us that you are here. Today, I want to talk about the year that changed the course of my whole life. I want to talk about the person that made me realize who I am and what love feels like. Love includes every color of the rainbow. Everyone can find true love. Today, I want to talk about the year when I found mine, and how I got to love you, Thea. Today, I want to talk about how I realized that we will always be happier together.”
© Christian Schmitz 2024-02-27