Happy Birthday

Nikolett Galambos

by Nikolett Galambos


So yesterday was my birthday, you know. Well, of course you know, because you did see all my stories on Instagram, where I shared the photos my friends posted to wish me a happy birthday. You watched every single one of them.

You could have skipped the rest of them, you know. I mean, it happens, you accidentally open somebody’s story, you realize you couldn’t care less, and you swipe left. And that’s it, you don’t have to see any more of those pictures of my friends and me, that’s it, it’s all gone.

But no, you didn’t swipe away, you watched all of them, all the pictures I posted and reposted, and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to text me two words. Two words!

We don’t talk anymore, that’s true, we haven’t talked in two weeks, but we did talk for three months, we did meet at least seven or eight times, we did spend a lot of time together, we did have sex, and even if none of those things have meant anything to you, it all happened, you know. And the least you could have done after all the headaches you’ve caused me, was to text me ‘Happy birthday’ and be done with it.

Because as hard as it is to admit to myself, it would have meant something to me. A lot, actually. And we didn’t have to talk after, nothing had to happen, but I needed you to wish me a happy birthday, I needed you to type those two words because even if I never meant anything to you, knowing you thought about me on this day would have made me happier.

It was all there, all those joyous moments captured on camera, posted on my social media accounts, where I’m having the best time with the people I love. You saw those pictures, you watched them, and yet you ignored every one of them, you ignored me more than ever, and you hurt me in ways I didn’t know you still could.

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a really great time with my family and friends, yet I feel bad for them because I let your ignorance get to me.

I wish I could send you a ‘go and fuck yourself’ message, but even I’m not that petty.

So, I’m only telling you here: don’t ever try to reach out again, and do not ever text anything to me. From now on, I’m going to act like nothing has happened between us. From now on, I’m going to treat you like you’ve been treating me, like you’ve always deserved to be treated.

Like a stranger.

© Nikolett Galambos 2023-06-25

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