My lips touched her ear. The heavy blanket covering our bodies. “love you more” I breathed on her neck. “love you most” I maybe only imagined to understand as it was our routine since more than 10 years of our togetherness. “Weekend relationships do work sometimes” I thought while I tried to distance myself from her slowly. “Love you moster” I breathed on her forehead before I kissed her. She took my hand and pulled me to her. “Love you mostest” she said not willing to let me go. I swaddledher to keep her from pulling me closer, put all my weight on her and talked on her cheek while touching her with my lips “Love you to infinity and beyond”. Very slowly I put my legs out of the bed while trying to cover my movements with the sounds of the always same bossa nova playlist playing smoothly in the background. I would be gone long before she would rise, again alone in her room, to hold her in my arms only a week from now. What is the difference between love and fear of loss of love I thought while I walked out of the room into the bedroom.
“Every morning she wakes up before sunrise with so much joy and explosive positivism. We have so much luck with our daughter” I told to my wife, hugging her and wishpering “Happy Valentine” into her ear.
© Bernhard Zwinz 2021-02-14