Heaven or Hell

Michèle Haller

by Michèle Haller


You’re like the apple in paradise

You should be forbidden

But your lips, they taste so sweet

Although you feel rotten inside

I can see something in you

And I want that part of you

Where do we go from here

We could end burning in hell

Or lay on heavenly clouds

Our future is so unsure

You make me feel so blessed

Don’t want that taken from me

I want you to make me a sinner

With you, it doesn’t feel wrong

Show me al your demons

And let’s compare them to mine

You tell me I’m an angel

But I have fallen from grace

The saints may cry for me

But I want the devil’s laugh

I would go to hell with you

Make it our paradise

Hold me hand like an innocent

Kiss me like a criminal

Where do we go from here

We could end burning in hell

Or lay on heavenly clouds

Our future is so unsure

You make me feel so blessed

Don’t want that taken from me

© Michèle Haller 2023-08-24
