Hidden Beauty

Helin Aymaz

by Helin Aymaz


She’s beautiful 

With her big brown eyes 

Her beautiful long hair 

She’s beautiful as she is. 

She’s wearing her nicest dress 

And her expensive shoes 

to go with her expensive jewelry 

And she thinks she is the most beautiful woman 

Oh, she is the most beautiful woman.

She looks at herself, her eyes 

with glitter on them and the big big lashes

She looks at her pink soft cheeks 

and her flawless skin 

She thinks she’s the most beautiful woman 

And as she thinks that, a tiny sparkly tear rolls down her pretty cheek

Watery eyes, shaky hands hoping he thinks the same

Oh, he does.  

Her ugly tears have ruined her flawless face and beauty 

Her ugly tears made her remove her beauty

But she will put it on as soon as she can

But she is too late. He sees her without her beauty, she thinks. 

He stares in shock, she looks down

She’s so ashamed of herself. 

You have freckles he says, he smiles 

And you have beautiful eyes, he says 

You have the most beautiful face 

He stands an inch away from her face. 

She looks up at him, he kisses every detail on her beautiful face. 

Oh, she’s beautiful without having to put extra beauty on her face

And she’s beautiful without her long lashes 

And she’s beautiful without her nice dress and her matching red lips and her expensive shoes 

And she’s beautiful without the money and the nice dressing room and her nice flawless skin. She’s beautiful as she is. 

She thinks she’s the most beautiful woman. 

© Helin Aymaz 2024-06-11

Novels & Stories, Anthologies