Horror Movies

Daria Lehmann

by Daria Lehmann


Nat looks at the TV and then back to me, there’s a horror movie open for our movie night. She isn’t a fan of horror movies though. “We don’t have to if you really don’t want to.” I assure her and go to her, placing my hands on her upper arms and rubbing them comfortingly. “No, it’s alright. As long as you protect me and be my eyes when I’m not looking.” She sighs and I smile, placing a kiss onto her nose. “Of course, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you.” She nods and takes a deep breath before kissing my lips shortly. After she pulled away, we both change into our pajamas and get into bed. I lean against the headboard and open my arms so she can cuddle into me. She moves my legs apart and sits between them, leaning her back against my front. She pulls the blanket higher and nods for me to start. Since I already know this movie, I warn her before the first jump-scare happens and she puts her hands in front of her eyes but still jumps a little at the loud noise. I pad her legs calmingly and kiss the back of her head to show her that she’s still safe. The movie gets creepier by the minute and she changes her position a little, now almost lying front to front with me and only glancing at the TV. It’s the most adorable thing in the world when she does this. She’s easily scared and always cuddles into me when we watch a scary movie and I love holding her close and making her feel safe and protected. “No…don’t….” Her expression is frightened and I tell her about the upcoming jump-scare and she buries her face in my chest while my hands rub gentle circles on her back to comfort her. When it gets a little scarier again, she holds her and mine hand in front of her eyes to cover her sight. I chuckle a little, she is so cute when she is like this, not because she is scared but because she gets clingier and I find it heart-warming that she trusts me enough to let me protect her. The film continues and comes to an end. Her arms are now wrapped around me and her head lays on my chest, turned to the side to watch the TV while my hands still run circles on her back. I can feel her heart beating in her chest since she is so close to me and it slowly gets back to normal as the end credits play. “That was scary but again, the storyline was good.” She mumbles into my shirt and I nod. I turn off the TV and slide down a little so I lay comfortable and pull her a little closer to me, still holding her in my arms, but now she’s lying next to me, her head still on my chest and I know she listens to my heartbeat because it calms her. Her breath becomes slower and I see her eyes closing. I kiss her head. “You’re safe with me, I will protect you forever.” I whisper in her hair before she hugs me a little tighter, showing she heard it and we both fall asleep.

© Daria Lehmann 2022-08-09
