Within my mind, I found myself trapped in a terrifying silence. My voice rang out, piercing the air with desperate screams, yet they were unheard, lost in the void of my own existence. My attempts to move my limbs proved futile; I was paralyzed, confined to a realm beyond my control. As the scene unfolded, I discovered myself lying on an unfamiliar bed in an ancient room, surrounded by numerous individuals whose faces remained shrouded in obscurity. Their mournful cries echoed through the chamber, but I could discern the face of my mother, etched with sorrow and heartache, among the indistinct figures. My heart ached to witness her pain, and I longed to reach out to touch her face and run my fingers through her hair. I yearned to whisper comforting words, to assure her that I was present and aware. But I couldn’t; my body betrayed me, leaving me feeling powerless and bereft of control. Although I knew deep within my being that I was alive, I was now detached from the corporeal shell I once inhabited. I felt liberated, free from the physical constraints that had tethered me to the earthly realm. The sensation of weightlessness engulfed my soul as if I were floating above the heart-wrenching scene below. From this vantage point, I could perceive the entirety of the situation, understanding that my body had passed away, but my spirit endured, untethered and unbounded. At that moment of clarity, I grasped the realization that I had traversed the threshold between life and death. My eyes flickered open, wrenching me from the vivid realm of my subconscious. As I awoke, the reality of my surroundings enveloped me, and I was flooded with profound emotions. The most profound wish surged within me: never to inflict pain upon my beloved mother. The dream had shown me the depths of her grief, and I vowed to protect her from suffering, even in the face of the inevitable. Strangely, the dream brought with it a curious sense of peace. The fear of death that once clung to my heart had dissipated. I now comprehended that the essence of who I was extended beyond the mortal realm. My existence transcended the physical, reaching into the boundless expanse of the spiritual.
As I embraced the certainty of life’s impermanence, I endeavored to live with intention and authenticity. The material pursuits that had once consumed me gradually lost their allure. Instead, I sought connections that transcended the physical, reaching for the depths of human emotion and spiritual understanding. Time flowed like a gentle stream, and my relationship with my mother deepened. We spoke of dreams and aspirations cherished memories and unspoken fears. I savored every precious second, knowing that these moments would be my legacy, etched in the tapestry of her heart long after my body departed. The dream of the old room and the mournful faces served as a beacon of enlightenment, guiding me to embrace the beauty of life’s fleeting moments. I reveled in the knowledge that death is not the end but a new beginning, a metamorphosis into a realm beyond our comprehension. In the depths of my heart, I held fast to the knowledge that the bond of love transcends all boundaries. My essence would forever intertwine with the universe, and the memories etched upon my mother’s soul would resonate through eternity.
© Nirouz Boubou 2023-08-15