How did I get here?


by RelocationJunkie


Iā€˜m sitting here on my bed for the week in Malaga, Spain and Iā€™m asking myself ā€œHow did I get here?ā€

I donā€™t mean that in a sad, angry or frustrated way.

Itā€™s more a question occurring from a restless, pondering and slightly tired place.

Iā€™ve made peace with the fact that I am where I am because of various choices I have made throughout my lifetime.

Lately, however, very little in life seems to be easy or straight forward at all.

I clearly remember a time, not so long ago, when most things in my life just seemed to progress naturally.

I felt like my life had structure, direction, purpose and well… flow.

As I sit writing here, however, I now find myself full of questions that I donā€˜t seem to have an answer to.

* What is my purpose in life?

* What do I desire?

* How can I make my inside world reflect my outside?

* Why do I seem to be stuck in the past more than moving forward right now?

* When exactly did life get so ā€œcomplicatedā€?

Etcetera. Etcetera. Etcetera.

I am completely aware of the fact that I am absolutely stuck in my head at the moment.

Itā€˜s funny how our brains can act as our best friends on some days and then turn into our worst enemies on others.

Right now, however, I feel like it is neither. It seems to be in a weird in-between space somehow.

Itā€™s like one side of me is shouting from the rooftops saying ā€œYou know what you want! You know who you are! You know what you value!ā€

Then a second voice pipes in and contradicts it with ā€œBut look at your life right now. Itā€™s nothing like how you imagined it would beā€.

Which is when the questions start up once again:

* How did I get to this place?

* Where is this misalignment coming from?

* Is this situation really as complicated as it feels?

* What can I do to get back to a place of peace?

* What exactly will I do to get back into a liberating flow?

Funnily enough, I actually have an answer for that last question though.

In fact, you are reading these very words now because of it.

You see, much as it may seem like Iā€™m in a bit of a lost and confused space, there is one thing in my mind thatā€™s actually very clear to me.

Sitting around just pondering about life isnā€™t going to get me anywhere.

However, Iā€˜m convinced that exploring history, discovering patterns and learning more about the self can actually create magic.

The kind of magic that can literally change your life.

So my dears, whether you know me or not, I am here to invite you on a journey with me. A journey to creating magic.

This journey will take us across three decades, five continents, thirty plus cultures and countless fascinating memories.

This journey is sure to be filled with moments of joy, sadness, love, confusion, desperation, growth and reinvention.

Itā€™s not one for the faint of heart. Itā€™s not a story for those quick to judge. Thatā€˜s why I will ask you here and now…

Are you ready to go on a crazy adventure together?

I know I am.

Ā© RelocationJunkie 2020-09-30