by Patty
I hope you fall in love with the colors the sun paints the sky with once it starts to settle down. Or the way sunlight flitters through the blinds, illuminating your room in the morning. With the warmth of a ray of sunshine meeting your skin. A soft gust of wind that’s passing by, blowing strands of hair off your face.
I hope you fall in love with the blossoming flowers in the front yards of your neighbors. With the birds chirping in the trees. With a cat purring in your lap. With a walk, you take outside with a dog. With strangers across the street, offering gentle smiles.
I hope you fall in love with laughter and the short-lived relief it brings along. With stupid jokes, you make to get others to chuckle. With movies and TV shows, you watch to get time to pass. With stories you read, and with the characters making each page a little more special. With the anticipation of finding new things. With the curiosity of experiencing adventures.
I hope you fall in love with the pictures you take to remember a certain moment. With memories, you have collected all your life. With the beautiful night sky above your head. With kindness, someone shows you when you least expect it. With a simple hug from someone holding a special place in your heart. With an invitation to a party. With the simple thought of life maybe not being the worst thing ever happening to you.
I hope you fall in love with the small moments that make life special. I hope you fall in love with the people making it worth living.
I hope you fall in love with not only the thought of it but with actually living. I hope you fall in love with being alive.
© Patty 2023-02-26