Did you notice, what people surround you here? All of them – Highland Adyg or stoic Russian, as well as prideful Georgian, all live and follow the unspoken rules, assigned not by one’s nation, but by something, that we cannot yet explain.”
“And that is called science. With all my respect, I hope I’m just misunderstanding you, for if I don’t, it sounds like a very inappropriate and mean joke.”
An old man looked at me with visible helplessness. Then he looked away for a couple of seconds, as though he was asking the sea to aid him, and continued, gravely and very bitter:–
“I understand, that what I say may sound like a talk of a madmanHowever, if after our dialogue you still find some drops of vague possibility somewhere in the depth of your worried soul, I strongly recommend you go back to the Hospital and see for yourself. The same people, who walked past you on our way to the bakery, were, I’m pretty sure, workers of this facility. Do they not differ? They don’t! I am afraid, my friend, because they do not differ and because they are exactly the same people, they know. And they know your daughter’s illness is not of medical terms.”
In helplessness, I closed my eyes, not believing what was happening. For a second, I felt very pity for myself, for two different images were immensely confusing me: a finely educated man with good manners, and a complete lunatic. As he probably noticed my moral struggles, he put a hand in his inner pocket and pulled out a small notebook.
“My friend, I wish you no harm and empathize deeply with your situation. Sadly, a crafty madness keeps aloof, even though it would be easier to bear. And I understand that I can’t ask anything from you. But just think: if it wasn’t a bitter truth, then why the magic rituals are advertised in newspapers? You saw it yourself. Because in these wild lands, the demand for them exists. Clavus clavo pellitur.”
With everything said, he left me his address in case I would need it, wished me a pleasant day, and left for his duty.
Later –
Not because of what an old man said, but because of desperate anxiety my decision to take Anna back from this God’s forgotten Hospital became final. I quickly ran across the streets, catching the questioning eyes of trespassers. Logic and suspicion, pride and prejudice mixed into a suffocating grip of thoughts and emotions and I could no longer tell for sure if what I was doing was right. My legs carried me fast and only a cold sea breeze, that chilled my deceived mind, brought me comfort.
I ended up on the steps in a fly of minutes and entered the facility. A young nurse, who participated in today’s morning argument, recognized me and immediately jumped off her seat. Coming closer, she was saying something in Russian and signaling me to stop. Pulling out my pocket polyglot, I quickly pointed to the chosen words: “Show”, “Daughter”.
© Ekaterina Beloborodova 2023-08-31