Insights and Serenity (Isaiah 40)

Persis Jalilzadeh

by Persis Jalilzadeh

here and somewhere

Why does she think about this now? Because her mum wants to know why she can’t fall asleep? Phoebe doesn’t think that she needs to know, but one can look it up, discuss it with someone. Well, Einstein probably didn’t have that in mind. Of course, Phoebe wants to sleep. Now she sleeps badly, but it won’t stay like this for all eternity. Eternity. Phoebe stops, pauses for a moment. G: Eternity. It’s a beautiful word, isn’t it? P: Well, it works in both ways I think, beautiful and terrible, but yes, technically I always think about beauty for all eternity as follows: In the end all will be well. G: Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the uneven shall be made level, and the rough places a plain. Do you want to hear more? In fact, Phoebe is still trying to classify what she had just heard, but okay, she nods. G: All flesh is grass, and all its grace like the flower of the field. P: What do you mean by that? G: Some things will pass, in retrospect or from the suitable perspective, one can see that it decays, quiet, rapidly. Not everything is meant to be for all eternity, not everything is strong and remains. P: But what has this to do with a good end? I thought we were talking about ‘beauty for all eternity’ and happy endings. G: Eternal and end, two things, both can be beautiful. To know that some things come to an end and not be frightened by that is something good. P: Also, to not get scared by things which are real now but will not stay for eternity, that is good as well, right? G: Yes, don’t get frightened, it is not eternal. The eyes which are tired now shall burst with strength and look without hindrance in the distance. Phoebe nods. For her who’s body and spirit are shaped by tiredness – bags under her eyes, a tense body, the throbbing and tugging in her head, uncontrollable weeping, and irritable behavior – for her this encouragement is a treasure. Power instead of tiredness, strength instead of instability. She stays seated for a long time, senses his gaze, hears his words. Then she gets up and shuffles to the kitchen. Sometimes she dances through the apartment, not now. She puts cold water into the kettle. After a short while it is bubbling, the water is dancing and then boiling water flows into her mug. Phoebe looks out of the kitchen window, it is dark. She is standing there for a while, her eyes looking into the night, but she looks further, looks beyond that, her eyes glance at that which is eternal. Phoebe sees eyes that are bursting with strength, that are strong and gaze into the distance, gaze upon a wide, vast country. She sees herself; she knows that it is herself, but she is different. She has wings, strong great wings and she flies above the countryside like an eagle. Next, she is back on her feet, without wings and still she is different compared to the Phoebe who is standing at the kitchen window in this very moment. The Phoebe who is on the wide land, the land beyond the dark night, is strong, runs and runs without getting tired. Put into words like this it sounds tacky but here goes. Phoebe knows what she is seeing, how true, beautiful, and good it is. And Phoebe smiles a calm, tired, expectant smile.

© Persis Jalilzadeh 2023-07-16

Emotional, Hopeful, Inspiring