This book? Looks like it. Since I continue to have adventures on a daily basis, it is indeed possible to write a new chapter on a daily basis. But we can’t have that, can we? So this chapter, right here, is a summary of sorts.
Right now, Lolo and Papa are the two most important people in my life. To be honest, they do make my life difficult at times with all their rules. I can’t watch TV unless it’s okay with them. I can’t have chocolates unless they are approved by them. When kind strangers ask my parents if they’d be okay with me getting a lollipop, they actually refuse! Can you believe the injustice of it?! After I’ve played with all my toys and satisfactorily strewn everything everywhere, I’m expected to tidy the place up before dinner. Sometimes I yell as loudly and as hard as I can, and if I’m lucky, and they’re weak – they just clean up themselves and I win. *Evil grin*. Papa crumbles easily. Lolo is a tough cookie though. Sometimes we just stare at each other, neither of us willing to back down and Papa has to play referee.
Don’t get me wrong though! I can’t imagine life without my two idiots. I love Lolo with every fibre of my little being. I adore our bedtime and early morning snuggles, her kisses make me feel all better after I’ve stumbled somewhere, and if I had my way, I would nestle in her lap and entwine my fingers around her hair the whole time I watched Bluey/ Peppa Pig/ Paw Patrol. We read together, bake together, and I help her do the laundry too. She often wonders aloud how they’d ever get by without me and, honestly, I don’t know. With Papa, everything is raucous and boisterous. He swings me upside down, throws me into the air and catches me, and we chase each other, tearing around the house, him hot on my heels and me screaming for all I’m worth. He tickles me on my belly while he’s changing my diaper, until I’m crying tears of laughter. We go out a lot, just the two of us. I’ve been with him to the Car Wash (must visit, that one!), on walks and bike rides and grocery shopping every Saturday (he lets me push my own little trolley and choose a treat or two too). Heck, he even sat me on his lap and drive the car once!! When we return home, I always give Lolo an extra big hug and, if I’m feeling especially generous, even a kiss. She then follows me around the house and peppers me with questions, as I peel off my jacket and shoes, “How was your day, Zayn? What fun things did you do with Papa today?” We all then pile into the kitchen where Papa makes brekkie and I tell Lolo all about our day and help her load the groceries into the fridge.
Life is good. It really really is. And now I must get going. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this book. If we ever happen to meet in person, be sure to come up to me. Who knows ? I may even give you one of my famous kisses.
© Milna Hyder Ali 2024-03-09