Is there anyone coming to save me?

Ripan Mahal

by Ripan Mahal


At the end, we are all alone. We are born alone, we go through problems alone and we die alone. That is the journey. This is the reality. But you can control the way you go through life.

You know that you are tired, you are fed up, you are so close to breaking down, you are losing faith and hope. We all feel sad sometimes. Sadness is a normal emotion that can make life more interesting. But there is strength within you. Even when you are weak. Sometimes you realize you need the others the most in your loneliness while fighting alone. We all deserve to be happy, right?

Things, people, events, they just come and go, nothing really lasts forever and the same with your not so happy feelings. To enjoy good health and true happiness, you must first discipline and control your own mind. It is a choice, and it is always your choice. So chose to always focus on what you want, not what you do not want and move in that direction. Everything changes the moment we decide to change and the whole world will start to revolve around us because you see, we do matter for the world, we matter a lot.

Keep thinking about the happy moments of your life.

Keep fighting for a better tomorrow.

Keep fighting for your happiness.

All it requires is the right vision and devotion to personal growth.

© Ripan Mahal 2022-02-06
